Feel free, breathe and take up space

Out of reaction………. To action

How are you feeling today? Sometimes you and I can feel trapped in the daily grind, walking the same path over and over again. And where do I find that way out?

In “here and now” we can create an opportunity to step out of the obstacles at any time by being purely aware. That means stepping out of thinking and starting to see, feel, taste.

You can name that by finding words to what has been vaguely known all along. Then find the right words with support and, having said it, suddenly feel untold space. Spontaneously breathe deeper. I am. I have to say……….

And if a bad feeling lingers and cannot be ignored. If that negative feeling keeps coming back in certain situations. Then attention is needed. Ignoring it only hides it until something happens that hits this feeling again and ignites it with all its intensity.

In gestalt we call these “unfinished situations”, which require attention so that the life energy can start flowing again. Ignoring these feelings hides them until they emerge again in an unsafe situation and prevent you from being in the situation now.

What is needed is to understand how you can take your place in your daily life. At the present. Standing on your own two feet and no longer being dependent on what others do. Then you can change from reacting to the environment to taking action in your life. Get behind the wheel. Choosing a route or being attentive to what you encounter and choosing on the spot what you are going for.

In gestalt weekends you can experience what “restoring contact with your real self, with the real other” means. Develop and manage your own latent skills. Being able to practice recognizing “thinking and doing” patterns, examining them and then moving to pure a w a r e n e s s in the now and being able to experience the freedom of making one’s own choice.

Negative thoughts/feelings have meaning in a situation and if we can observe them with open eyes, solutions become available, what previously seemed to be a black hole. In the light of awareness the thoughts become positive through the power of awareness and then… I can make a choice in the situation. I’m taking action.

If you encounter situations in your life from which you see no way out at the moment, e.g. If you do not feel the freedom to be yourself, we will investigate the situation until you see how you can stand in your strength. If you have a sticking situation and would like to share it with me, please provide specific information about what you feel, what you think and what is happening in the here and now of the situation. In a gestalt weekend you can focus on thinking, feeling and doing. Lovingly, old pain can be allowed and reframed. You can live life by anticipating what is present.

For inspiration: About Awareness and the ongoing process by Fritz Perls : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog0Q3-vpyg&t=251s

In connection, Evert van der Weide

My background? Here’s a start. See: http://www.degeleroos.nl/Personalia.htm

In the training sessions, the Gestalt weekends or weeks you can discover who you really are and who you can be if you can see through the social programming and can now choose freely.

“Towards real contact with yourself and others in the “m e e t i n g”.

The individual and relationship sessions and training in the gestalt weekends that I give are for everyone who wants to explore, is willing to experience and wants to reflect on what presents itself here and now in consciousness. Whether you are a therapist and want to train at an experience level, want to come home to yourself as a person, are a student and need extra inspiration, or simply need to reflect on yourself in a safe environment and pay attention to a specific theme. Weekend training gives you an opportunity for new insights and understanding of who you are down to the core of who you can be. I work with exercises, movement, meditation, expressing yourself, entering into dialogue with others, making contact and whatever comes up on the spot. A space for you to be with what is.

Welcome to an inspiring workshop: (register early)

  • Gestalt weekend June 28-29, 2024 in Allier, France
  • Gestalt Week France July 20-27, 2024
  • Gestalt Week Thailand December 21-28, 2024
  • Supervision individually or in group

Training group online. On Wednesday evening

Interest: Tel. or text: +33 (0)6 27 78 62 52 or email degeleroos@gmail.com Video calling Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, Messenger. Questions or registrations or information about training and accommodation email: degeleroos@gmail.com or call/text +33 (0)6 27 78 62 52.

For inspiration: Bob Dylan – “Chimes Of Freedom”.

I and you can find light and truth in contact. In real dialogue. A revolution now.  

http://www.degeleroos.nl/Gestaltweek_Frankrijk.htm  Request new brochure! 

https://www.facebook.com/praktijkvoorgestalttherapie/   Call for a session appointment 


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