Living in full consciousness = being aware

When I see what I do I can do differently

How do you live in full awareness? That is being aware, that is being here and now. In the power of the now.

Reflect on where you are now. If you are programmed to think about every aspect of life and are in defense mode, this will not be easy. Think about where you are now? Take a moment to go back and forth between thinking and feeling. Now suppose you don’t have to defend yourself. That you are okay the way you are. That you can fully allow everything that comes to mind. That you recognize the control mechanisms that limit you in that complete freedom. See through and recognize.

The experience of yours in the learning and discovery process, as well as the presence of mine in the encounter. It is a relationship, and the discovery process comes from the relationship.

From being in contact with yourself and with the environment as it is, beyond thinking about that environment that usually comes in automatically.

Perhaps you have ever experienced such a unique moment of full awareness in your life. You can go back there if you want. What are the unique ingredients of that experience.

That “white horse”, the “swirling power of energy”, ecstatic experience “I am awake”

Feeling seen and heard in who we really are here and now. When we truly feel seen and heard, our pores open and the emotions and feelings present have room to be there. To be experienced as a unique experience in a nourishing environment. If you see what you do, you can change something. And gradually we can see ourselves more in all its purity, truth and reality. No longer dependent on feeling seen and heard by the other. In-house and more contacts with travel companions at your level of consciousness.

Negative thoughts/feelings have meaning in a situation and if we can observe them with open eyes, solutions become available where we previously saw a black hole. In the light of awareness the thoughts become positive through the power of awareness of what is possible and then… I can make a choice in the situation. I’m taking action.

Distance – Proximity

Right now, so much feels out of our control in the outside world. But when I discover how to regain control of the INNER world… I am no longer held hostage by circumstances.

I can decide for myself which direction I choose in my life. I can decide to be the CREATOR of my life and not the MANAGER of the (harsh) circumstances.

Come experience the wonderful effects of listening without judgement, which naturally creates space for the (hidden?) best in yourself and others to emerge. From experienced limitations in daily life to developing new possibilities of inspiring contact on your own path together or alone. If necessary, take your partner with you to a session or workshop.

In connection, Evert van der Weide

My background? Here’s a start. See:

In the training sessions, the Gestalt weekends or weeks you can discover who you really are and who you can be if you can see through the social programming and can now choose freely.

“Towards real contact with yourself and others in the “m e e t i n g”.

The individual and relationship sessions and training in the gestalt weekends that I give are for everyone who wants to explore, is willing to experience and wants to reflect on what presents itself here and now in consciousness. Whether you are a therapist and want to train at an experience level, want to come home to yourself as a person, are a student and need extra inspiration, or simply need to reflect on yourself in a safe environment and pay attention to a specific theme. Weekend training gives you an opportunity for new insights and understanding of who you are down to the core of who you can be. I work with exercises, movement, meditation, expressing yourself, entering into dialogue with others, making contact and whatever comes up on the spot. A space for you to be with what is.

Welcome to an inspiring workshop: (register early)

  • Gestalt weekend June 28-29, 2024 in Allier, France
  • Gestalt Week France July 20-27, 2024
  • Gestalt Week Thailand December 21-28, 2024
  • Supervision individually or in group
  • Training group online. On Wednesday evening

Interest: Tel. or text: +33 (0)6 27 78 62 52 or email Video calling Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, Messenger. Questions or registrations or information about training and accommodation email: or call/text +33 (0)6 27 78 62 52.

Voor inspiratie: Neil Young – “Bound For Glory”.

I and you can find light and truth in contact. In real dialogue. A revolution now.  Request new brochure!   Call for a session appointment 

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